La Capella
Piera, Spain
July 30 – 2 August 2009
5,5 x 6 x 15 m
Invited by the organisers of Cerka’l Festival, Penique contributed an inflatable at the 16th century Gothic Capella de Sant Sebastià, Piera.
Transitional light was key to the exhibition so two main light sources were used. From opposite ends of the installation, a neon crucifix emitted a cool blue light, mixing with a contrasting warm pink hue produced by sunlight permeating the inflatable around the entrance.
Throughout the day, as light conditions changed and the two opposing light sources battled for dominance, a stunning transient blue-pink fade accentuated every crease and architectural detail of the inflatable.
Some worksLila Taikoo Hui Long Louis Vuitton Paris Fashion Week ’23 Box 33 Cal Brufau Play Rojo Niu a la Llanterna de L’Auditori Giallo 368 Purpurner Cal Santo Rosâtre BOUNCE Silver Ballad Deposito Vittoria Coreto Puxika arrosa Carrer de Sant Sebastià, 44 BALLON JAUNE. Le contenant et le contenu COLORES JBalvin Dobra na Piscina Urvanity ’19 Sobre jo, el pa i el pernil EX.VAZIO Somni ’18 Espaços Efêmeros – Construções Leves Habit(ar) Fauno Take a Seat Globus Verd A Cel Obert Tag CDMX Estar Azul Espaço Tempo Movimento em Processo: MOV1 Silencis Gruta Mentrestant Inoutdoor Traç A Piscina do Parque Lage Galeria del Paranimf Espaço 180 BAW BAF Maison Martin Margiela Paris Fashion Week ’12 Cerveira Creative Camp enNOVA El Claustro Choko Ho’ol Palazzo Ducale Palo Alto Sala Buit El Sótano de la Tabacalera Forat de l’Escala 18 Clocktower Place La Capella Bathroom The Green Sack Espai 1